Wednesday, July 8, 2015


More Info to Follow - Situation being watched closely. All readers/listeners tune in to
today's show at 2PM Eastern for more information
Thomas Lacovara-Stewart


Today in a "first time ever" the NYSE "FROZE". There is a reported electronic "glitch"? In a day and age when lying to the public by government has been legalized, we are in dangerous times.

This may or may not be something very serious. But when we are supposed to trust in an elected body to protect us from things that might endanger us, how safe do they make things truly? Basically ...."Not"! On 9/11, there was no protection in all of North America with all of the bells and whistles, and with the dollar worth as little as it is and with society on the potential brink of a financial crash, if one goes by the crimes the bankers have committed since empowered to be in the position to do so, we should realize they must do all they can right now to distract and divide us. We can not afford to shut up and obey. How will the public ever know of their true crimes and deceptions. 9/11 destroyed the evidence and financial records of crimes of an unprecedented level. No trials for the Securities and Exchange Commission violations, The El Dorado Task Force Investigation into insider trading had everything destroyed. If this was not orchestrated by the top Wall Street Tycoons, that would be amazing that the very people that they say are their enemy would destroy all the evidence of their "Central Bank Related crimes. How absolutely ironic that those who identified the Islamic Terrorist Osama Bin Laden the day of 9/11 were themselves knee deep in involvement with the very individuals that were under investigation. The ties to these financial crimes is staggering. When will we come that close again to indicting them? When we decide that no more massive tragedies are going to divert or distract us. When we take control back from these usurpers of the Constitution that believe that "feelings" trump rights and that "brainwashing" is morally acceptable. We will continue to report on this event. Strange days indeed....."most peculiar mamma" - John Lennon
As reported by ABC -

Trading Halted on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Jul 8, 2015, 11:49 AM ET

PHOTO: Traders work on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange in New York, July 8, 2015.
Trading Halted on New York Stock Exchange
The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has halted trading today, leaving investors unable to buy and sell securities.

A technical issue has triggered a system-wide halt, officials said, and all open orders will be canceled.

"We're currently experiencing a technical issue that we’re working to resolve as quickly as possible," a spokeswoman for the NYSE said in a statement. "We will be providing further updates as soon as we can, and are doing our utmost to produce a swift resolution, communicate thoroughly and transparently, and ensure a timely and orderly market re-open."The NYSE is owned by Intercontinental Exchange, which owns 11 exchanges.

And giving his thoughts on the subject as we take a break from working on the project we have before us is Screenwriter / Author / and "man on a mission of mercy and  justice, for his fellow human beings,           Mr. Brian Simonetti. 

The mainstream media needs a new publicity bent, especially when it comes to this "glitch", thats right, a, ahhhhh, well, just a plain old glitch that has shut down the New York Stock Exchange... babble, babble, babble, and they speak of poor Apple, IBM, etc., as the mainstream propaganda crap flow interrupts the popular variants of the plethora of Jerry Springer types crap flow so it can be drilled into the alpha brainwave sheeple... Jade Helm anyone? "Mastering the Human Domain"? anyone? Telecommunications companies going down in regions - as no one's devices (cell phones, tabs, laptops, pads and computers - whacked) have been the same since telecommunications systems temporarily went down a few weeks ago. Yesterday a woman in line at a checkout counter complained to the cashier of how her phone simply "didn't work right" since AT&T went down for hours roughly two weeks ago. And - when have you ever heard of the NYSE going down over a "glitch" when THERE IS MONEY TO BE MADE - "UNLESS" - there is more money, power, or most likely both being moved and shaken to be positioned to prepare the blow of the dollar collapse. It's already been asked that no one make a run on their cash at the bank. What's next? Oh, a post-script - the last head of der Stasi, Markus Wolf (the former East German Stadt Polizei, that made the KGB look like amateurs), was recruited and paid well to 'consult' on the creation of your happy Fusion Centers... such a nice corporate name designed to both deter any solicitation of suspicion and scrutiny from the television swilling, fast food attention span populace, after all, "they" are there to ... ... protect you... by watching and listening to you on behalf of a dozen or so Intel gathering agencies who all serve the same Demon far above mere sheep herding corporations called governments. think. test the model. you might not like what you find.